The Science of Biomechanics and the Art of Feel

The Mission of EquineRehab &Therapy
- My goal is to help every client and horse have a happy, pain-free, and fluid partnership.
- I use a wealth of physical, energetic and emotional tools for better performance and harmony.
- 30 years of experience
- With a wholistic approach, I look at pain, symmetry, movement, saddle fit, shoeing, behavior and vet referrals.
- I offer Bodywork sessions, clinics, trainings and retreats.Â
Who is Jeff Moore, ESMT, CEKTP, CKTP, B.S.
For the last 30-plus years, I have been on a journey to develop my horsemanship and healing skills. This horsemanship journey started with a chance meeting with a legendary horseman, Tom Dorrance. Some of the offhand things he said to me 35 years ago are just lately becoming clear.
I am also a biologist, certified equine body worker and physiotherapist, and an expert at seeing movement and posture to resolve difficult lameness’ and behavioral issues. I have developed a program to help riders achieve functional symmetry in the saddle using a neuro-biomechanical approach, in addition to working with the visionary Chris Hoffman to create a program using NeuroMuscular Groundwork and Reiki to help repattern less effective movements after treatments or rehab. Along with the science, I have also woven the ancient knowledge of a medical form of Qigong into my holistic approach to healing horses.
One of the milestones that has defined Jeff’s approach to healing in general (both horses and clients) is the teachings of Mata Amritanandamayi Ma. Keeping this in mind has allowed Jeff to deepen his approach and work tirelessly with horses and clients in whatever way most helps. Combining the science of biomechanics, neurobiology, and kinetics with the spirituality of service has created a powerful approach to helping riders and horses.